william bryan

William Bryan

UX Designer

I am a user experience designer passionate about creating memorable experiences for users across the globe. Armed with a highly flexible attitude and unparalleled determination, no project is too big/small or too complicated/simple. I am purposeful in creating visually aesthetic designs aimed to exceed client's needs while providing users of all abilities an easy to use interface.

From a young age, I knew that I wanted to see and learn as much as humanly possible - and my diverse background is proof that I’m doing just that! In 2009, I graduated from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor’s degree in Romance Languages; if you just stopped and asked yourself, “Romance Languages?!” you’re not alone. By broadening my language skills, I could broaden the base of people that I can interact with - personally and professionally.

Using these key communication skills, I worked my way up through various sales roles. Along the way, I developed a love of the business world. I started my own manufacturing company and owned and operated a retail clothing store. In all of my venutres, I enjoy the people most: What interests them? How can I improve offerings for them?

Bottom line - working with people and striving to improve businesses is what I do. I am honest, dependable, and I believe that going above and beyond is not just an idea but a best practice. While I tend to speak my mind, I also value listening to the needs of others in order to find the strongest possible solution.

Working as a UX Designer has brought together the best parts of me as a person and I look forward to working with you to solve a problem or design an experience soon.

User Interviews, Surveys, Usability Testing, Card Sorting, Tree Testing, A/B Testing

Affinity Mapping, Empathy Mapping, Persona Development, Journey Mapping, Feature Prioritization

Ideation exercises like Crazy 8s, Sketching, Wireframing, UI Design, Visual Mockups, Interactive Prototypes, Micro-interactions. Expert in Miro, Figma, and similar softwares.

HTML/CSS, Responsive Design, Interaction Design, Information Architecture, User Flows, Google Analytics.

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“ What I love about working with William is that he will always advocate for what is right. For the user, for the business - he can see all angles. It's his strength. ”

Brittany Bellanca, Product Designer

“ William pushes the boundaries of UX by asking questions from every potential angle until he is satisfied with the best possible path forward. He is strategic, organized, and never waits around for someone to tell him what to do. William makes things happen! ”

Mary Scott, UX Designer

“ William is a veracious individual who prides himself on creating stunning solutions with both a user and business level insight. ”

D. Hiller, Developer

“ William is a bulldog. I had the privilege of working with William on two different projects and bottom line, he works hard and fast. Thoughtful, articulate and an ability to push a project forward are his greatest strengths. Never backing down from discussing hard topics, he is an excellent communicator and any team would benefit from having William as a key cog in the machine. ”

Michael Compton, Customer Success Specialist
men working

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